Thursday, June 16, 2011

Episode 12 - "There's a Pony in there..." (Cloud Management) + Show Notes

The Cloudcast (.net) - Eps.12 - "There's a Pony in there..." (Cloud Management)
June 15, 2011
Guest: Christian Reilly (@reillyusa), President of the Platform Cloud, The Loose Couple (blog)

Aaron & Brian bring back Cloudcast alumni Christian Reilly, President of the Platform Cloud. We dig into Cloud management from every angle possible, trying to make sense of all the companies, projects and products.

Cloudcast alumni Christian Reilly is back (see Episode 3) to talk about his many travels to the world of tradeshows (Interop, GlueCon, RailsConf), cloud management and APIs.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Join the Cloudcast (.NET) group on LinkedIn

Here at The Cloudcast (.NET), we're always looking for more ways to connect with the Cloud Computing community, to discuss the latest technologies, products and more. While we really appreciate getting feedback on the show via email or Twitter, we thought it would be helpful to also create a forum where we can have longer-form discussions about the shows. So we create a public group on LinkedIn. So if you like the show and would like to be a part of the discussions, please sign up and let us hear from you.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Episode 11 - "News, Stacks, Rants and More" + Show Notes

The Cloudcast (.net) - Eps.11 - "News, Stacks, Rants and More"
Date: June 5, 2011
Guest: Aaron & Brian rant with Joe Onisick (@jonisick), Define the Cloud (blog), blogger at Network Computing and Technical Solutions Architect at WWT

Aaron & Brian rant with Joe Onisick, Technical Solutions Architect at WWT. We discuss Joe’s new legal race car, Integrated Stacks vs. Private Clouds, the future of VMware, & we determine we need to learn more about PaaS and OpenFlow

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Episode 10 - "Clouds on the Storefront Horizon" + Show Notes

The Cloudcast (.net) - Eps.10 - "Clouds on the Storefront Horizon"
Date: June 1, 2011
Guest: Rodrigo Flores (@RFFlores) Technical Architect for Cloud Computing at Cisco, formerly the CTO/Founder at newScale;

Aaron & Brian welcome Rodrigo Flores, formerly CTO/Founder of newScale, now at Cisco. We discuss the current status of newScale, the world of actual Cloud deployments and the challenges of shifting internal IT thinking to leverage Cloud