Date: August 2, 2011
Guests: Just Brian and Arron this week
Guests: Just Brian and Arron this week
Then we dive into news highlights from the last couple weeks, including product announcements, start-ups and acquisitions:
- acquired by Citrix
- Citrix promotes our buddy Christian Reilly to Cloud CTO. Christian has been on the show several times (Eps.3 and Eps.12)
- Simon Crosby left Citrix to start a company called “Bromium” - seems to be security focused, but vague about timelines or products
- VMware had their big “vSphere 5 + all things Cloud” announcement which got overshadowed by their vTax on vRAM pricing changes. Aaron talks about his early analysis of scale-up vs. scale-out and rumors that the new pricing might change before GA.
- Dell formally announces their distribution of OpenStack and open-sourced “Crowbar”, which isn’t their deployment tool
- Dell acquires Force10
- HP announced that they are getting into the OpenStack game - no details
- Former NASA CTO starts Nebula - sort of an interesting mix of HW (appliance) + OpenStack + proprietary extensions (plus a tie-in to Dell and Arista). We talk about how OpenStack may get very fragmented before it consolidates and how the appliance approach is different from other vendors that are only shipping a distribution. (Register coverage)
- Intel acquired Fulcrum Technologies