Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Cloudcast - Eps.25 - "The Intersection of IPv6 and Cloud" + Show Notes

Date: December 6, 2011
Shannon McFarland - Principal Engineer, Cisco  (@eyepv6, blog - http://www.networkworld.com/community/blog/22305
Dr. Ciprian Popoviciu - Founder/CEO, Nephos6 (@zamolxesv6; website - http://www.nephos6.com/

Topic 1: The IPv4 address space is gone, so we finally are forced to learn this new technology. Let's talk about how companies are evaluating the need for the move and the steps they take in the transition.

Topic 2: Are all the required building blocks (hardware, software stacks in OS, common applications, ISPs) in place today to create IPv6 environments? Have the US Gov’t and Asian markets beaten up on the community and vendors to where this is completely ready today?

Topic 3: What are the biggest barriers to migration? Why does IPv6 offer so many transition options and does this confuses businesses and governments?

Topic 4: Beside more addresses, what are the drivers for the move to IPv6? Security, auto-deployment, etc.?

Topic 5: IPv4 has been around for 40 years (give or take). Realistically, how long is this transition going to take? 

Topic 6: Give me some examples of something cool that people are doing with IPv6 that’s better than what they did with IPv4.