Friday, November 2, 2012

The Cloudcast - Eps.62 - Nebula, OpenStack, and the OpenStack Foundation

Topic 1 - Let’s start with a “State of the OpenStack” union. For people that can’t keep up with all the OpenStack news, let’s talk about both the OpenStack Foundation and the latest release, “Folsom”.

Topic 2 - What are the big technical hurdles has have been overcome in Folsom, and what are the big focus areas in “Grizzly”?

Topic 3 - A number of companies has released (or planned to release) their own distribution of OpenStack (Rackspace, HP Cloud, Cisco, Piston Cloud, Nebula, RedHat, etc.). As a member of the OpenStack Board, how would you respond to a business that might be confused about all these variations?

Topic 4 - Where is Nebula in the marketplace today in terms of a distribution, contributing back to the community projects, etc.? Maintenance of

Topic 5 - One of the side conversations that came out of the OpenStack Summit was the reality that “everyone is hiring”. You started Anso Labs. What is the current market for developers with OpenStack experience and still? Is it more concentrated on the vendors, or is there alot of demand from “customers”?

Topic 6 - Chris Kemp, Nebula CEO, said at the conference that OpenStack would be able to dictate to AWS what the future of cloud looked like. Other OpenStack board members (Boris Renski, Mirantis) said the focus was towards a VMware alternative. Even at this early stage, do you feel that the purpose of OpenStack is as a “replacement”, or is it still focused on the higher goal of open, multi-cloud capabilities and choice?