Friday, November 16, 2012

The Cloudcast - Eps.64 - "Intel Inside the Data Center"

Topic 1 - Can you give us an overview of your involvement of everything Cloud and Data Center at Intel?

Topic 2 - What is the Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) and why are companies getting involved? How is Intel involved in the ODCA?

Topic 4 - Intel runs a program called Cloud Builders which works with large and small companies to define reference architectures for Cloud Computing. Can you provide us some background and how much you're seeing business come there for guidance?

Topic 5 - You get the chance to speak with companies from around the world. What differences are you seeing in the US vs. Asia vs. emerging markets?

Topic 6 - Intel is supporting Open Compute, Open Virtualization Alliance, ODCA, oVirt and OpenStack. How do all these open-source efforts help Intel, since most cloud computing projects are already being built on x86 platforms?

Topic 7 - How long before we can expect to see Hypervisor, Security (via McAfee acquisition or other) embedded in Intel chips?