This week we were live at Varrow Madness and had a special guest-host, Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja), who ran with us at the Krispy Kreme Challenge and hosts both Engineers Unplugged and Geek Whisperers.
Topic 1 - Tons of buzzwords out in the market today - How is Cloud impacting each of you today?
- Private/Public/Hybrid Cloud
- Software-Defined-"Everything"
- DevOps
- Converged Infrastructure
Topic 2 - GigaOm had an article this week called "Death of an IT Salesman" which talks about how many non-IT groups are buying direct from SaaS companies. How much do you see "Rogue IT" or "Shadow IT" (or this alternative way of getting technology) effecting your business?
Topic 3 - VMware recently announced that it would spin up it's own Cloud service. What's your initial reaction to that and what questions do you still have that haven't been answered about this new way that VMware is going to market?
Topic 4 - With all the new technology and cloud models emerging, how do you keep up with all of it (information, technical skills, etc.)
Topic 5 - We're in Durham, NC today (outside RTP), which is considered a 2nd tier technology center, plus it has lots of other types of business in the area (government, manufacturing, finance, etc.). How much do you pay attention to what happens in Silicon Valley vs. how technology can help solve business problems in this area?