Topic 1 - Forget a thousand monkeys typing the works of Shakespeare, it's time for networked cloud monkeys, bringing the logic to the data, and evaluating the cost of change via physics.
Topic 2 - Explore Dave McCrory's theory of Data Gravity, the application to systems, and the difference between data and information. The presentation from Cloud Connect: http://my.presentations.
Topic 3 - Computers are good for optimization, humans for recognition.
- Alistair's preso: http://my.presentations.
techweb.com/events/cloud- connect/santa-clara/2013/free- session-presentations/ download/107 - Alistair Croll's new book, http://leananalyticsbook.com/
Additional Topics / Discussions
- Is "Big Data" a useful or useless discussion, vs. "Information Extraction"?
- Are humans capable of making decisions in a world being driven by statistics and data?
- Are networks the most valuable element of Cloud Computing, after the actual information?
- What is the critical metric that EVERY company (or organization) should be measuring themselves against?
- Why NoSQL should be called "NoJoin"
- Why almost every modern application should be written with an "eventual consistency" model at the core.