Friday, May 10, 2013

The Cloudcast - Eps.86 - From DevOps to Private PaaS

Topic 1 – ActiveState has been around for quite a while. You’re not a startup by any means.  You’re like 100 years old in startup years.  For our audience that aren’t developers, help us understand the evolution of the company.  

Topic 2 - What are you seeing as the big trends for developers, especially at Enterprise corporations these days? What have been the major changes over the last couple years?  The trend recently in Enterprise applications is to rewrite them in a “cloud friendly” way. Does this mean PaaS will be the key to Enterprise production applications?  Public Cloud PaaS?

Topic 3 – ActiveState has been involved with the CloudFoundry project for a while now, through your offering called “Stackato”. What is Stackato and how is it different from other PaaS offerings and particularly other CloudFoundry based offerings?  Stackato store?

Topic 4 – One of the big discussion points recently with CloudFoundry had to do with uncertainty about it’s future and then forked distribution. With Pivotal finally getting announced, how do you see the CloudFoundy ecosystem evolving and what are your customers telling you they want to see happen?

Topic 5 - The biggest challenge with any as-a-Service offering in the Enterprise has not been the technology as much as it’s been the people and process. What are you seeing happen with your customers? Is DevOps only relevant for technology-centric companies, or can it be broadly applicable?

Topic 6 – What’s a blueprint for a successful path to Enterprise PaaS look like? What are the biggest hurdles and what are the lessons you’ve learned so far?