Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Cloudcast - #108 - OpenStack Neutron and SDN

Topic 1 - What is the status of the Neutron (formerly Quantum) project within OpenStack?
Topic 2 - How much has the scope changed to include L4-L7 services?
Topic 3 - Discussion about the ML2 sub-project and how it allows a pluggable framework to allow different implementations (VLANs, VXLAN, SDN Controllers, vendor plugins, etc.)
Topic 4 - How does Neutron overlap with OpenDaylight in terms of network services and where is the right place for them to reside or be managed?
Topic 5 - Does Neutron has a specific security focus, or does that reside in other areas of OpenStack?
Topic 6 - Is OpenStack defining a specific way to communicate between an application-centric framework (eg. OpenStack Heat) and the network topology or deployment (eg. Neutron)?