Monday, October 7, 2013

New Whiteboard Videos - SDN, OpenStack, CloudStack, OpenSource

Following the whiteboard videos we made at CloudOpen, we got inspired to make a new set of whiteboard videos that covered some topics that we hadn't discussed before or needed to be updated. We also decided to include Aaron Delp (@aarondelp) in the videos this time. All of The Cloudcast whiteboard videos can be found on our YouTube Channel. Any suggestions for new topics are always welcomed.

Aaron kicks off the first couple videos by reviewing the architecture of both Apache Cloudstack (Citrix CloudPlatform) and OpenStack "Havana" (which we covered quite a bit lately - herehere, here).

Aaron next looks at some frequently asked questions about open-source (projects vs. products) and how technologies like Linux Containers (LXC) compare to Server VMs. The latter is relative to discussions we had with both Docker and CoreOS.

Aaron finishes up with a discussion about legacy applications vs. new application architectures. We discussed this recently in the context of moving applications to AWS.

Brian covered various aspect of "Software-Defined" in his whiteboards, including discussions about Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Virtualization. We recently discussed these topics here, here and here.

Brian finishes up by looking at the evolution of Hybrid Cloud - including the technology and architectures that might be confusing the market.