Aaron speaks with Chip Childers (@chipchilders) for a quick update on Apache CloudStack as well as what's next in IaaS and how to provide services (DBaaS, Message Bus, LBaaS, etc.) above IaaS and what the future may hold.
Guest: Chip Childers (@chipchilders), VP of Product Cumulogic, VP of Apache CloudStack
Topic 1 - What is the latest on Apache CloudStack? How was the CloudStack Collaboration Conference? (Huge thanks to Schuberg Philis for their donation and time!)
Topic 2 - Why do we need services beyond IaaS? What are some examples?
Topic 3 - A little bit about Cumulogic. Where are you seeing traction? What are customers asking for?
Topic 4 - You have a Service Provider background. Tell us a little bit about the build vs. buy decisions and is that changing over time?
Topic 5 - Where do you see the future of services around IaaS? How are products like Cumulogic different from say VMTurbo (guest on Episode 124). How are operations different?
Music credit: Nine Inch Nails (nin.com)