Monday, April 28, 2014

The Cloudcast #141 - Cloud Portability Without Leaving the Nest

Ravello Live Demo of Ravello on Google Compute Engine:

Topic 1 - We talked about a year ago on Episode #85. For those that aren’t familiar with nested virtualization & Ravello, give everyone a quick introduction.

Topic 2 - You call your product “nested virtualization” instead of anything related to Hybrid Cloud, although you’re able to help people leverage both public and private environments. Do you find people are averse to the “Hybrid Cloud” term, or you mostly want to focus on the aspects of your technologies?

Topic 3 - Today you are announcing GA of Ravello on GCE (Google Compute Engine). It would appear you are positioning the product to be at the intersection of the hypervisor and cloud. The hypervisor is both invisible (to the application) but is still a barrier to commodity. Do you see this changing over time? What need to happen to advance? Lastly, why GCE?

Topic 3a - Docker seems to be on everybody’s mind these days - does that play into your roadmap?

Topic 4 - What are the common use cases for nested virtualization you are seeing? Why isn’t one hypervisor enough? Is this a way to get “legacy applications” to cloud?

Topic 5 - Explain a bit about how to talk to the “outside world” with nested virtualization. How do you handle complex networking or communications with outside systems (databases, load balancers, firewalls, etc.)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Cloudcast #139 - Docker, Project Atomic & OpenShift

NOTE: Sorry for any static in the background. Looks like we need a new microphone.

Project Atomic from eWeek

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Cloudcast #137 - APIs and Sharing Files

This podcast all came about because of the Krispy Kreme Challenge this year. The Cloudcast participated and so did the Raleigh Citrix Sharefile folks. So, this podcast is brought to you once again by donuts.

Topic 1 - Let’s start at the start. I’m a Citrix employee and I use ShareFile everyday. It has become one of those tools that I can’t live without now in this age of sharing files both internally and externally between organizations. If I had to describe it to people, is it fair to call it “Enterprise Dropbox?” How do you explain both Enterprise and Cloud File Sharing to others? What makes ShareFile different than Dropbox?

Topic 2 - Both Box and Dropbox received a ton of funding recently, but we are a few years in and there doesn’t seem to be a clear “winner” in this space. Why hasn’t anybody established themselves as the majority leader in this space? What are the features needed/requested?

Topic 3 - You recently wrote a blog on V3 of the ShareFile API (link in show notes). Tell us about that. You mention REST based API on JSON, oAuth for authentication, and the ability to capture metrics to better understand workflows. Why is that valuable? Are you looking for developers to add ShareFile integration into their applications?

Topic 4 - We are a few years into the BYOD trend. People are finally starting to think of the cloud as access your data, anywhere, any device. How challenging is it for you to make data available on multiple platforms (Windows, Mac, IOS, Android). Have we moved beyond people wanting Windows on their iPad so they can access files? Have the usage patterns changed over time?