Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Cloudcast #171 - Evolving API Economy & Hackathons

Topic 1 - Before we get into this event that you’ve been running for a little while now, let’s talk about 3Scale. Tell us about your background and what drove you to create an API platform company.
Topic 2 - 3Scale kicked off an API contest recently, in this case it's the APItools Middleware Contest. Tell us why you kicked this off and details for developers and hackers?

Topic 3 - This is about Middleware APIs. How is that audience different that what we might see from other types of APIs?

Topic 4 - As the event is going on, what do you find are the key activities? How much should the contest lead be involved and provide support, how much collaboration do you see amongst developers, what are some of the crazy ideas you see?

Topic 5 - What happens when the contest is over? How much insight goes back into the product, how do you encourage on-going innovation in this space?

Topic 6 - What are the big things you’d like to see change/evolve in the API-centric communities to make business be better providers and consumers of APIs?