Friday, January 30, 2015

The Cloudcast #178 - DevOps Defined Networking with Socketplane

Krispy Kreme Donations -

Topic 1 - You’ve obviously been talking about DevOps for many, many years. The last 12-18 months you sort of shifted that focus on the infrastructure-as-code space. So what drew you to SDN and Container Networking?

Topic 2 - What are the big issues and differences between VM networking and Container networking?

Topic 3 - Give us the Basics on Socketplane. 

Topic 4 - As I was watching the tech preview demos, I noticed as much non-Socketplane as I did Socketplane (Vagrant, Consul, Docker, OVS, GitHub). Does that just come native because you’re built around Docker, or is that a Socketplane thing, or just a Linux thing?

Topic 5 - Container SDN is becoming a popular space (Socketplane, Weave, CoreOS/Flannel), but still seems to fly under the radar of the big networking companies. Are there major architectural differences, or just how integrated or separated implementations are from a stack? 

Topic 6 - What does it mean when people talk about “wrapping Docker”?

Topic 7 - Is there a Docker Ecosystem for the L4-7 services yet? Or is that just the native Linux tools (eg. HA Proxy) in containers?

Projects of the Week