Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Cloudcast #182 - Moving DevOps Forward with CI/CD

Brian talks to TJ Randall (@TJRandall; VP System Engineering @XebiaLabs) about how customers work through changes to people/skills, process, financial modeling, internal communications and tools, as they migrate to more agile application development and utilize CI/CD methodology. Music Credit: Nine Inch Nails (

Topic 1 - I got to know XebiaLabs last year because my day job involved me with a large international company that was looking to modernize their apps. Tell us about XebiaLabs and how it’s both a technology company and consulting group.

Topic 2 - What’s the most common starting point(s) you see for companies that are thinking about DevOps-centric changes and CI/CD?

Topic 3 - So often we hear people talk about Puppet/Chef or Jenkins, as if those tools (out of the box) with make a DevOps or CI/CD environment. What do you typically see from companies where they have to fill in gaps with those types of tools?

Topic 4 - When companies move towards these more agile environments, how do you find they think about the new internal economics?

Topic 5 - Do you see more companies trying to manage environments that span multiple clouds (public or private)? What tools do you see helping them deal with that challenge and the differences within the clouds?

Topic 6 - We’ve heard from others than DevOps transformations can look/feel like a re-org. How do you typically help people understand the transformation - who are the key roles, what changes are most important, what are the good initial metrics/milestones?