Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Cloudcast #364 - Interactive Learning for Cloud-Native

Brian talks with Ben Hall (@Ben_Hall, Founder of Ocelot Uproar, creator of @TeamKatacoda) about the evolution of helping developers learn new Cloud-native technology skills, and how Katacoda is making that an online, browser-only reality.
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Show Notes

  • Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Let’s talk a little bit about your background in founding Ocelot Uproar, and how Katacoda got started.
  • Topic 2 - Katacoda is similar to a concept that I had a while ago, I called it Cloud Garage Labs, and I’m really glad Katacoda exists now. Tell us about all of the technologies that engineers can interact with today?
  • Topic 3 - Let’s walk through the user's experience. Beyond the browser and reading the interactive tutorial, what does a user have to do?
  • Topic 4 - Some of the topics are vendor-specific (e.g. Weave, OpenShift, etc.), but many are more generic. Who is creating them, maintaining them, and how do you choose to add new things? Are there costs to adding new topics?
  • Topic 5 - What is some of the backend technology that you’ve built in order for all these topics to be hosted and delivered in just a browser-based experience?
  • Topic 6 - Where do you want to see Katacoda expand to over the next couple years?
