SHOW: 403
DESCRIPTION: Brian talks with Jose Nino (@junr03, Software Engineer @Lyft) about how they evolved from a monolithic application to 300+ microservices, including a service mesh using the Envoy proxy.
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- Envoy Proxy [homepage]
- Jose Nino’s talk at Velocity Conf
Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Tell us a little bit about your background and some of the things you work on at Lyft.
Topic 2 - Lyft was the original creator of the Envoy proxy project. As Lyft was going through their migration from a monolith to microservices, when did they realize that they needed to start creating a service mesh.
Topic 3 - What functions of Envoy does Lyft use for both networking and security?
Topic 4 - How does Lyft manage who interacts with the Service Mesh, since it has impacts on the applications (microservices) and the infrastructure teams (networking, security)?
Topic 5 - What recommendations would you make to any other teams that are evaluating Envoy or Service Mesh technologies?
- Email: show at thecloudcast dot net
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