Showing posts with label Backup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Backup. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Backing Up into the Cloud

David Hill (@davidhill_co, Product Strategy, Office CTO) and Sam Nicholls (Public Cloud Principle) @Veeam talk about the evolution of managing data in the cloud, and backup and security strategies. 

SHOW: 547





Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Tell us a little bit about your backgrounds. 

Topic 2 - We live in a world of software, and clouds, and ransomware attacks and security threats and frequent changes to applications. Let’s start by talking about the big picture of what backup looks like these days. 

Topic 3 - In a world that’s becoming increasingly more DevOps-centric, who now owns all of the elements around backups (testing plans, compliance, retention and cost-mgmt, etc.)

Topic 3a - What are some of the unique things Veeam does to make things simpler for those teams? 

Topic 4 - We used to live in a world of redundant, cold hardware in a remote facility, and truck rolls to Iron Mountain, and manual steps. What has public cloud and automation done to the backup landscape?

Topic 5 - How does the economics change now that public cloud is such a critical piece of backup strategies? (saving data, faster recovery times, agility, etc.)


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

AzureStack for Hybrid Cloud

Carmen Crincoli (@carmencrincoli, Sr. ProgMgr @Microsoft) + Todd Christ (@toadster, Ent. Solutions Architect, @IntelBusiness) talk about the evolution of AzureStack, how HCI is being extended as a cloud service, and how COVID is creating new use-cases for on-premises and public cloud.

SHOW: 480



PodCTL Podcast is Back (Enterprise Kubernetes) -


Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Todd has been a guest before, but Carmen is new. Tell us a little bit about both of your backgrounds.

Topic 2 - Let start by talking about AzureStack, in a broader context. The “brand” has been in the market for quite a while, but it really went through an evolution about a year ago - different services add, different buying options, etc. Help understand the broader AzureStack story.

Topic 3 - When most people think of HCI, they think about Compute, Storage, and VMs - simplifying the complexity of those systems. Now the world is moving more to the cloud, but on-premises still remains. Let’s talk about the concept of HCI becoming an extended cloud service and how that’s evolving.

Topic 4 - VMs, Containers, Backup/Recovery, Auto-Updates are now all built-in to AzureStackHCI. Which group (or groups) is managing AzureStackHCI in a typical company? 

Topic 5 - How important is it to support disconnected (from the cloud) AzureStack HCI instances? Can there be scenarios that are partially-disconnected? 

Topic 6 - Are you seeing any new or unexpected use-cases because of COVID-19, or now that HCI can be viewed as an extension of the public cloud?



Friday, October 27, 2017

The Cloudcast #318 - Evolution of Cloud Data Management

Brian talks with Kenneth Hui (@kenhuiny, Technical Marketing Engineer) and Andrew Miller (@andriven, Technical Marketing Manager) at @Rubrik about how Cloud Data Management is changing with the evolution of distributed systems and the use of the public cloud.

Show Links:

Show Notes
  • Topic 1 - Ken, welcome back to the show. Andrew, welcome to the show. Tell us a little bit about your backgrounds and what attracted you to go work for Rubrik?
  • Topic 2 - So in the last 12-14 months, Rubrik has taken $240M+ ($292M total) in VC funding and is adding 100s of people per quarter. I thought the days of VC investment in non-cloud infrastructure companies was over. What’s going on?
  • Topic 3 - Let’s talk about Rubrik’s core architecture and why it’s so different from what companies have used in the past?
  • Topic 4 - How much are people using the public cloud as a storage destination, and what has to happen differently to get data into the public cloud vs. what has to happen in a local data center?
  • Topic 5 - With Rubrik’s different architecture (software-centric, distributed processing, etc.), what new best-practices are starting to emerge?
  • Topic 6 - From what I can see, Rubrik is mostly focused on VM-centric environments. Any plans to get into container-centric environments?

    Thursday, May 12, 2016

    The Cloudcast #251 - IT Tricks that SaaS services Forget

    Brian talks with Gina Minks (@gminks, PMM for @SpanningBackup) about the growth of SaaS applications, who pays for SaaS, who manages SaaS and the most frequent mistakes companies make in using SaaS applications.

    Show Links:
    Show Notes:
    • Want to register for VelocityConf right now? Use code PCCLOUD20 for 20% savings - Gold, Silver, Bronze only

  • Topic 1 - Welcome back to the show, it’s been since Eps.68. What are you up to these days?
    • Topic 2 - Let’s talk about the SaaS market in general. It’s about a $75-80B market in 2016, growing at 20% CAGR. What big trends are you seeing in SaaS?
    • Topic 3 - We’ve both been around “traditional IT” for a while. What do you see that’s different about SaaS - who buys it, what’s the process, how do they think about on-going maintenance, etc.?
    • Topic 4 - Let’s get into your world - backing up SaaS applications. Give us the basics. What are the big mistakes most people make? Where does the backed up data go?
    • Topic 5 - The challenge with SaaS is that some applications go away, or they radically change their pricing model. Are there now utilities that will convert data to use other SaaS services?