Showing posts with label CloudHealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CloudHealth. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Cloudcast #360 - Multi-Cloud Cost Modeling

Brian talks with Joe Kinsella (@joekinsella, Founder and CTO of @CloudHealthTech) about public cloud evolution, and how customers are viewing multi-cloud (or hybrid-cloud) as their planned architecture, and how well they are able to manage costs across multiple cloud environments.

Show Links:

Show Notes
  • Topic 1 - Welcome back to the show. It’s been nearly a year since you were last on. How are you seeing the public cloud evolve in 2018?
  • Topic 2 - Looking at market share reports, there’s still a distribution of usage - from AWS to Azure to GCP to “Other”. Are you seeing companies want multi-cloud or hybrid-cloud, or is it a matter of them really aligning with a single public cloud?
  • Topic 3 - Do you think companies understand that each public cloud does billing and cost modeling differently?
  • Topic 4 - Any tips or tricks you’ve seen that help to make it possible to normalize the differences between the billing and cost models? Tools exist, but how much friction is that creating on usage decisions?
  • Topic 5 - Do you think the public clouds are doing enough to make public cloud usage understandable, or is cloud-cost complexity just an extension of how complex IT cost modeling has always been? Are there areas where this is getting better?

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Cloudcast #282 - Managing Multi-Cloud Services

Brian talks with Joe Kinsella (@joekinsella, Founder and CTO of @CloudHealthTech) about his background at startups, the growth of the AWS ecosystem, how the buying patterns for cloud have shifted at customers, and how the rest of the industry compares to AWS.

Show Links:
Show Notes:
  • Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. CloudHealth is winning awards and growing, but for people that don’t know about you, give us some background on yourself and the company?
  • Topic 2 - The AWS re:Invent show was a couple weeks ago. What’s the vibe of that marketplace? Compare it to the vibe you’re seeing from other cloud marketplaces?
  • Topic 3 - CloudHealth does a lot of interesting things in term of managing cloud resources - performance, cost management, multi-cloud. What are some of the biggest cloud-usage drivers you’re seeing today - who is the buyer, what are the types of applications, etc.?
  • Topic 4 - We’re many years into “cloud”, but it’s still not a completely mainstream thing for many companies. What lessons are people still learning and are those lessons now starting to get embedded into software/services?
  • Topic 5 - How has spending on the cloud evolved over the last couple of years?
  • Topic 6 - How do companies view IT vs. Shadow IT these days? Is it still a problem, or is Shadow IT being embraced more by the business because things are getting done faster?