Showing posts with label Complex Systems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Complex Systems. Show all posts

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Cloudcast #156 - Making Complex Apps Look Simple

Aaron and Kenny Coleman talk to Tom Rossi (Founder of Molehill - @molehill, @buzzsprout) about running web-scale applications, interacting with 3rd-party services via APIs, and how to make complex back-end applications appear simple to end-users. Music Credit: Nine Inch Nails (

Topic 1 - Tell us about your background starting Molehill and how a small company scales on the web?

Topic 2 - The Cloudcast has been a customer of Buzzsprout for over 4 years. We’ve always thought it was a very simple application (upload podcast, publish podcast), but thinking about all the elements involved (store podcast, serve podcast, analytics on usage, APIs to distribute feeds via iTunes, RSS, etc.), we’re curious about the complexity of the application.

Topic 3 - At what point did you find it necessary to leverage more advanced cloud services, above and beyond basic compute/storage - things like CDN, DB-as-a-Service, etc.

Topic 4 - You recently rolled out a whole new set of analytics for customers. Would this be considered “Big Data” and how do you integrate those new capabilities into the existing applications.

Topic 5 - Buzzsprout is available as both a web application and a personalized mobile app. How much different is it to develop for each platform? Any tips for developers on how to build cross-platforms apps?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Cloudcast - Eps.43 - Cloud - The Need for Transparency in a Complex World

Brian talks with James Urquhart (VP Product Strategy, enStratus) about interconnected systems (Clouds, APIs), complex systems, and how transparency and governance are critical to be able to design, build and operate today’s Cloud Computing environments.