SHOW: 415
DESCRIPTION: Brian talks with Paul Osman (@paulosman, SRE Engineering Manager @UnderArmour) about aligning business value to Chaos Engineering, measuring its impact, and changing team culture to embrace the chaos.
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- [video] Embracing Chaos - DevOps Day Austin
- [Velocity] Managing Chaos: Chaos Engineering and Team Health
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- “Chaos Engineering” on previous episodes of The Cloudcast
Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Before we get into Chaos Engineering, let’s talk a little bit about your background and some of the things you did prior to joining Under Armour.
Topic 2 - We’ve talked about Chaos Engineering a few times on the show before. At a company level, what are some of the things (Connected Health) where it makes sense for Under Armour to be investing in Chaos Engineering and developing expertise around this discipline?
Topic 3 - Walk us through how a team at Under Armour thinks about Chaos Engineering, from the business need to think about scheduling it (or not scheduling it), measuring it, and then communicating the results back within your team and to management.
Topic 4 - I think people think that Chaos is a periodic event, like a DR test, but in reality, it needs to be somewhat of an on-going activity. How do you connect the dots between this on-going Chaos and actual problems in your systems - and how/when to measure problems (or what to measure)?
Topic 5 - What is the most difficult part about getting the team culture to understand that Chaos is an important part of day-to-day activities and dealing with “failure” being part of the system?
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