Showing posts with label Entrepreneur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entrepreneur. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Cloudcast #368 - MetLife Digital Accelerator Powered by TechStars - Part 3

Show Number: 368

Overview: Brian talks with Mee-Jung Jang (@MeeJungJang, Managing Director @TechStars) about starting the program, engaging with MetLife as a corporate partner, the structure of the TechStars program, how the companies move forward beyond Demo Day, and what's next. 

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Show Notes

  • Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Tell us about your background and how you came to be part of TechStars and this program at MetLife?
  • Topic 2 - In our previous shows, we’ve spoken to all of the founders and gotten their perspective. What were your early goals as the leader of this program, and what has surprised you throughout the process?
  • Topic 3 - Walk us through the stages of the program for these companies? It’s more than just, “Have an idea, go execute that idea.”
  • Topic 4 - You’ve been both a Founder/Entrepreneur and Attorney, so you’ve seen your fair share of ideas. How do you manage to know when you listen, when to give advice, and when to hold your tongue?
  • Topic 5 - What has been your perspective, as an outsider to the area, of the RTP/Triangle area in terms of culture, people, community, etc.?
  • Topic 6 - What happens next for all of these companies that we profiled, and when does the program get started again for Year 2?
