Showing posts with label Libnetwork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Libnetwork. Show all posts

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Cloudcast #227 - Docker Networking and Project Calico

Aaron talks to Jon Berger (@jonberger0, Evangelist Project Calico, @projectcalico) about their pure Layer 3 approach to virtual networking and containers. We discuss the differences between Docker’s libnetwork overlay and Project Calico, the Docker 1.9 plugin architecture, policy managers, and design considerations for designing highly scalable and secure container based solutions

Show Links:

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Cloudcast #203 - Docker Networking

Aaron and Brian talk to John Willis (@botchagulpe; VP of Customer Enablement @Docker) and Madhu Venugopal (@MadhuVenugopal, Sr.Director Networking @Docker) about the evolution from Socketplane to Docker Networking, the new plugin architecture in v1.7, who is the new Networking admin/ops and how to learn the container networking model.

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Links from the show:

Topic 1 - We spoke with you just a few months ago, when you were working with Socketplane. What happened to those guys?

Topic 2 - Docker Networking has evolved into this concept/library called “libnetwork”. Help us understand the basic concepts of networking for Docker containers.

 Topic 3 - We sat through the Docker Networking tutorial yesterday. As old-timey networking guys, a lot of the terminology was very different - Sandbox, Endpoint, Network, Namespaces. What’s a good learning resource to help us connect the dots between the old and the new?

Topic 4 - Let’s talk about the new plugin architecture for Docker. This extends to many area, including Networking and Storage. What does this mean for a networking partner that can to plugin to Docker?

Topic 5 - Can you talk about the interactions between Docker Networking and of the Service Discovery frameworks (eg. etcd, Swarm, Consul, etc.)?

Topic 6 - We’ve heard that the container framework is essentially - Developers own inside the containers; Ops own outside the containers. Does that still hold true for how Docker Networking works?