Aaron and Brian talk to Cornelia Davis (@cdavisafc; Cloud Foundry Platform Engineering at Pivotal) about her experience working on the Pivotal Web Services Operations Team, her experience as both a developer and operator and why she believes that Containers-alone aren't enough to build a PaaS platform.
Links from the show:
Topic 2 - You spoke at the EMC {code} event at EMC World, what did you talk about what was your experience at the event?
Topic 3 - I liked in your presentation you had a slide on smoother effort, less risk. Tell us a little more about that concept and how it relates to running large operations at scale.
Topic 4 - You also mention containers aren’t enough. Tell us what you mean by that?
Music Credit: Nine Inch Nails (nin.com)
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- Revelations from the Field - Life in the Operations Team
Topic 2 - You spoke at the EMC {code} event at EMC World, what did you talk about what was your experience at the event?
Topic 3 - I liked in your presentation you had a slide on smoother effort, less risk. Tell us a little more about that concept and how it relates to running large operations at scale.
Topic 4 - You also mention containers aren’t enough. Tell us what you mean by that?
Music Credit: Nine Inch Nails (nin.com)