Showing posts with label RackN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RackN. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

2023 Look Ahead to Platform Engineering

Rob Hirschfeld (@zehicle Founder & CEO @rackngo) talks about how Platform Engineering has evolved from DevOps and SRE and how it aligns to Cloud Platforms.

SHOW: 682




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Topic 1 - Welcome back to the show, it was great to see you in person at events recently. What have you been focusing on the last couple of years?

Topic 2 - There’s been a lot of discussion about Platform Engineering over the last 6+ months. You’ve been around this space for a while. We’re trying to understand if PE is different from DevOps or SRE or Cloud Platform in the past, or an evolution. Is PE just a common platform maintained with reusable tools, regardless of the infrastructure? 

Topic 3 - I’ve heard people say that Cloud Platform and Platform Engineering are colleagues. where one owns/operates the platform, and the other is the “product manager” to the application teams. Is this realistic? 

Topic 4 - What does “good” look like for Platform Engineering? Is the goal a frictionless developer experience? Are developer consistency and efficiency valid goals? Are there KPIs or Metrics that “good” teams are striving towards? 

Topic 5 -  Any interesting technologies that you’re seeing that make Platform Engineering easier, or more manageable? 

Topic 6 - Any team dynamics that you’re seeing that make Platform Engineering easier, or more manageable? 


Drunk Agile
Dan Vacanti and Prateek Singh drink whisk(e)y and discuss various facets of agile...

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Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Cloudcast #331 - Has SRE replaced DevOps?

Aaron and Brian talk with Rob Hirschfeld (@zehicle, CEO @rackngo; Kubernetes Cluster Ops Co-Chair) about the consistency, continuum and confusion between the concepts of DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE).

Show Links:

Show Notes
  • Topic 1 - What is the State of DevOps today? On one hand, there’s Gene Kim’s DevOps Reports (all is great), on another hand is DevOps Days which has become about Empathy, and somewhere in between are companies struggling with all of this silo-busting and automation and constant change. So where are we?
  • Topic 2 - The DevOps community seemed to want to reject all sort of labels and titles (DevOps engineer, DevOps certified, etc.) and how there is this “SRE” (Site Reliability Engineering) concept. Is this just a new name for DevOps?
  • Topic 3 - Like NetFlix had microservices, so everybody needed microservices - Google has SRE, so now everyone needs SRE? How does SRE fit into a non-Google company?
  • Topic 4 - Many Infra/Ops-centric people have been trying to learn automation and some basic programming (e.g. Python, Powershell/Scripting). SREs are often described as programmers that live in the Ops world. Can these current Infra/Ops people evolve to SRE?
  • Topic 5 - Do you find that DevOps or SRE apply more (or less) to using certain types of technologies vs. other technologies?

    Thursday, June 15, 2017

    The Cloudcast #301 - SRE and Infrastructure Operations

    Brian talks with Rob Hirschfeld (@zehicle, Founder/CEO of @RackN) about the concepts of SRE (Site Reliability Engineering), the challenges of maintaining infrastructure software, emerging tools and the next-generation of operations.

    Show Links:

    Show Notes:
    • Topic 1 - Welcome back to the show. Let’s start by talking about the concept of SRE (Site Reliability Engineering). Give us the basics and maybe explain how it differs from what people define in DevOps.
    • Topic 2 - Application development has been moving faster for quite a while (agile development, etc.). But now infrastructure/operations teams have to deal with faster software - especially around updates (e.g. Kubernetes releases every 3 months). How are companies managing this?
    • Topic 3 - Given that this pace of operations change may not slow down, how do you think about the challenge in terms of process/operations versus technology/tools?
    • Topic 4 - What are some of the steps that companies take to better prepare for this type of operational model? Tools, process, skills, etc.
    • Topic 5 - Do you see SRE as being a progression for existing infrastructure/operations people, or is this more focused on sysadmins or developers that want to get away from building applications?