NOTE: Many other guests of the show were mentioned in the comments section of the Top 100 list.
- Randy Bias, @randybias - Eps.36
- James Urquhart, @jamesurquhart - Eps.21 and Eps.34
- George Reese, @georgereese - Eps.19
- Ben Kepes, @benkepes - Eps.46
- Simon Wardley, @swardley - Eps.51
- James Watters, @wattersjames - Eps.63
- Dave McCrory, @mccrory - Eps.17, Eps.37, Eps.82
- Mark Collier,@sparkycollier - Eps.94
- Botchagalupe, @botchagalupe - Eps.58
- Sinclair Schuller, @sschuller - Eps.29 and Eps.76
- Rodney Rogers, @rjrogers87 - Eps.39
- Christian Riley, @reillyusa - Eps.3, Eps.12, Eps.32
- John Mark Troyer, @jtroyer - Geek Whispers episode
- Andi Mann, @AndiMann - Eps.22
- Brian Gracely, @bgracely
- Ed Saipetch, @edsai - Eps.8, Eps.68
- Vanessa Alvarez, @vanessaAlvarez1 - Eps.6, Eps.26, Eps.41
- Cody Bunch, @cody_bunch - Eps.93
- Vaughn Stewart, @vStewed - Eps.67
- Aaron Delp, @aarondelp