Friday, August 16, 2013

Top 100 Cloud Computing Experts on The Cloudcast

This past week, both Aaron Delp (@aarondelp) and Brian Gracely (@bgracely) were named to the "Top 100 Cloud Computing Experts on Twitter" list. A quick scan of the list reveals that 20% have been guests on The Cloudcast over the last two years, with many others that hopefully will be on very soon (lots of scheduling challenges to overcome). We consider ourselves very lucky to have created a platform that allows us to engage with many of the experts in our industry. As we soon move beyond Eps.100 and into our third year, we promise to focus not only on the thought-leaders, but also on many of the people doing amazing things behind the scenes (eg. operators and software developers) at the most innovative cloud computing companies.

NOTE: Many other guests of the show were mentioned in the comments section of the Top 100 list.
  1. Randy Bias, @randybias - Eps.36
  2. James Urquhart, @jamesurquhart - Eps.21 and Eps.34
  3. George Reese, @georgereese - Eps.19
  4. Ben Kepes, @benkepes - Eps.46
  5. Simon Wardley, @swardley - Eps.51
  6. James Watters, @wattersjames - Eps.63
  7. Dave McCrory, @mccrory - Eps.17, Eps.37, Eps.82
  8. Mark Collier,@sparkycollier - Eps.94
  9. Botchagalupe, @botchagalupe - Eps.58 
  10. Sinclair Schuller, @sschuller - Eps.29 and Eps.76
  11. Rodney Rogers, @rjrogers87 - Eps.39
  12. Christian Riley, @reillyusa - Eps.3, Eps.12, Eps.32 
  13. John Mark Troyer, @jtroyer - Geek Whispers episode
  14. Andi Mann, @AndiMann - Eps.22
  15. Brian Gracely, @bgracely
  16. Ed Saipetch, @edsai - Eps.8, Eps.68
  17. Vanessa Alvarez, @vanessaAlvarez1 - Eps.6, Eps.26, Eps.41
  18. Cody Bunch, @cody_bunch - Eps.93
  19. Vaughn Stewart, @vStewed - Eps.67
  20. Aaron Delp, @aarondelp

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Mobilecast - #12 - Data Ingestion

Topic 1 – What is the Data ingestion problem and how it came from FUIT

Topic 2 – How people work, it’s not trying to be nefarious

Topic 3 – How do we manage content

Topic 4 – Identity and personas

Topic 5 – maybe there is a way to use auditing

Topic 6 – Christmas lights

The Cloudcast - #98 - Real-life AWS Apps and DevOps