Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Cloudcast #342 - Understanding Databases in AWS

Brian talks with Steve Abraham (Principal Solutions Architect @ Amazon Web Services) building and migrating databases in the cloud, how companies are managing migrations, the demands for open source databases, and how the worlds of database and serverless are intersecting.

Show Links:

Show Notes
  • Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Tell us a little bit about your background and also the areas you focus on at AWS.
  • Topic 2 - Let’s start by talking about the difference between new and existing databases. Does AWS see more demand for DB-migrations or new DBs in the cloud?
  • Topic 3 - What are some of the tools or services to migrate existing databases to AWS databases
  • Topic 4 - You’ve been a DBA in the past. How have you seen DBAs adapt to work on DBs in the cloud?
  • Topic 5 - What are some of the ways that AWS is improving or eliminating some of the need for constant DBA interactions and tuning, or "improving" the DBA experience? “Serverless databases”?
  • Topic 6 - Any tips for how companies address databases in a microservices world? Can you break up a monolithic database?
  • Topic 7 - How does AWS think about wiring together data-sources (databases, storage, etc.) with some of the advanced AI/ML services?

    Thursday, April 5, 2018

    The Cloudcast #341 - Modeling & Managing Enterprise Applications

    Aaron talks with Rahul Ravulur (@ravulur, Co-Founder & CEO of @AppOrbit) about how companies are managing the transition from Legacy applications to Cloud-native applications, the challenges of modeling new environments, and how deployments have changed in the past decade.

    Show Links:

    Show Notes
    • Topic 1 - Rahul, welcome to the show; give everyone a brief introduction and your background
    • Topic 2 - Tell us about your journey to leave VMware and found AppOrbit
    • Topic 3 - What are the common issues are you seeing the industry today around application deployment? What is going well and what challenges remain?
    • Topic 4 - How are the deployment challenges around “Cloud Native” applications different from “Legacy” applications in 2018? How has this thinking evolved over the last few years as customers are educated on the differences?
    • Topic 5 - How are customers using AppOrbit today?
    • Topic 6 - Where and how does application security fit into this model?

      Thursday, March 29, 2018

      The Cloudcast #340 - Adding AI into Software Platforms

      Brian talks with Srinivas Krishnamurti (@skrishna09; Founder/CEO of Zugata) about the evolution of workplace management, how companies should think about problems that might require AI, the level of complexity needed to add AI to existing platforms, and how to manage the Human-to-AI interactions in software.

      Show Links:

      Show Notes
      • Topic 1 - Welcome to back the show. Remind people about Zugata and give us some updates on Self-Improvement as a Service.
      • Topic 2 - Zugata recently launched “Zugata Insights”
      1. Improve Company Culture
      2. Eliminate Gender Bias
      3. Better Understand the Skills & Attributes of Top Performers
      • Topic 3 - Zugata is a SaaS-based platform. How do you add AI-centric services to a SaaS platform?
      • Topic 4 - What is the state of available technology to add AI capabilities (e.g. existing open source tools, or cloud-based services) vs. having to hire that skill vs. retraining in-house developers?
      • Topic 5 - Your tools directly interact with human-centric issues. How much adaptation has to happen to steer AI around human-centric decisions vs. non-human-centric decisions?

        Thursday, March 22, 2018

        The Cloudcast #339 - Understanding Cryptocurrencies & Markets

        Aaron talks with Jesse Proudman (@jesseproudman; Founder of @StrixLeviathan) about entrepreneurship, his new company Strix Leviathan, the basics of cryptocurrencies and markets, how these markets are evolving and what's next for their platform.

        Show Links:

        Show Notes
        • Topic 1 - Jesse, catch everyone up on the last few years. You had a good exit at BlueBox and then went on to a DE (Distinguished Engineer) position at IBM.
        • Topic 2 - Tell us about your journey to founding Strix Leviathan and this interesting intersection of AI and cryptocurrency. Was this a hobby that turned into a passion which turned into your next thing?
        • Topic 2a (Lightning Round) - Some cryptocurrency basics
        1. What is a cryptocurrency? What does it use as it’s basis of value?
        2. How do the cryptocurrency markets work? What are the basic elements someone needs to understand?
        3. Cryptocurrencies have been crazy volatile for the last few years. Is it good to have currency be so volatile? 
        • Topic 3 - Cryptocurrency is in the early days. What are some of the struggles today you see and the challenges folks entering this market are facing. For instance in a TechCrunch article you mention API issues with trading as an example of the infancy of the platforms. What do you think happens to the market in the both the short and long term?
        • Topic 4 - What problem is Strix Leviathan ultimately trying to solve for?
        • Topic 5 - It appears the engine today is two parts: a cryptocurrency tracker (data ingestion) and a trading engine. Correct? Where does the AI part fit into all of that? Is it doing the analysis and making recommendations on trades or does it actually perform the trades?
        • Topic 6 - Just this week you received a $1.6M funding round. What’s next for the platform and where are you headed?
        • Topic 7 - You took a slightly unconventional approach to startup with BlueBox, what lessons did you learn that you will bri

        Thursday, March 15, 2018

        The Cloudcast #338 - Governance and DevSecOps

        Brian talks with Josh Stella (@joshstella, CEO of @FugueHQ) about what DevSecOps means, how companies manage the tension between Developer agility and Operations stability, how to codify Governance via code, and early steps to success in DevOps culture.

        Show Links:

        Show Notes
        • Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Tell us about your background and why you decided to focus on DevOps, Security, Compliance and Governance.
        • Topic 2 - DevOps is culturally hard. Moving to the cloud is technically hard (move data, refactor apps, etc.). How do you guide people about what areas of those changes to tackle first, or put more focus on?
        • Topic 3 - DevOps is two opposing motivations trying to work in harmony. How does “Sec” fit in to create this DevSecOps concept?
        • Topic 4 - In the past, Governance and Compliance were primarily Security functions, and somewhat  periodic “validation” functions. Now the technology allows them to potentially be constant guardrails and checks. What’s the state of Governance and Compliance?
        • Topic 5 - What guidance do you gives customers that ask how to get started in DevOps, Security, Compliance and Governance?

          Thursday, March 8, 2018

          The Cloudcast #337 - Cultivating IoT From Farm to Cloud

          Brian talks with Steve Ridder (@saridder, CEO @teralytic) and Dan Casson (VP Engineering, @teralytic) about #AgTech, nanofabrication, engaging with large, complex ecosystems, building modern IoT platforms, and how data is helping to advance one of the oldest industries in the world.

          Show Links:

          Show Notes
          • Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Tell us about your background and how people from NYC and Silicon Valley know more about soli than farmers with their boots in the dirt?
          • Topic 2 - Let’s talk about soil, NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) levels and how frequently the “playing field” in farming is changing? What are the big challenges in managing soil? How significant are soil differences around the world?
          • Topic 3 - Before we get to the technology (in the sensor and the cloud), let’s talk about the business side of IoT sensors. You have to have mass production (edge devices), ridiculously simple sensor installations, run wireless infrastructure (?), run a cloud SaaS infrastructure (or just sell the data to brokers?) and do farmers have IT departments to translate all this techie stuff?
          • Topic 4 - Let’s talk about the technology in the IoT edge sensors. They have to be precise, inexpensive, and future proof? How much is industrial engineering vs. computer science?
          • Topic 5 - Let’s talk about the technology in the analytics cloud?  These devices only transmit every 15mins. What does a cloud stack look like?
          • Topic 6 - Any advice for techies, or industry experts, to find the people to collaborate with in these vertical solutions?

            Thursday, March 1, 2018

            The Cloudcast #336 - The Evolving Role of Cloud Communities

            Brian talks with Amy Lewis (@commsninja, Director Influence Marketing @VMware, Co-Host @Siftspod podcast) about the change dynamics of tech communities, how people self-select into new communities (or channels), the changing rules of IT buying, whether techies needs some business skills, and tips/tricks for mentoring the next generation.

            Show Links:

            Show Notes
            • Topic 1 - Introduction of Amy, what’s new, blah, blah, blah...
            • Topic 2 - The world has become a fragmented place; people find their safe “communities”. We can sort of do that in tech, but not as much because people change jobs more now. What’s your State of the Union for tech communities these days?
            • Topic 3 - Are you seeing the interactions with communities change (good or bad) as the rules within tech change - open source, public cloud, work in the office, etc..?
            • Topic 4 - We talked for a while, to technical communities, about “moving up the stack”, where the stack was all technology. Do you think we should be talking more about “moving across the cubicles” from technical awareness to business awareness?
            • Topic 5 - As you’ve moved around and upwards, you’re now mentoring people within the industry. Any success stories to share, or tips & tricks that might relate well to a newer generation, or just someone making a new change?