Webb Brown (@webb_brown, Co-Founder/CEO @kubecost) talks about the evolution of Kubecost, and better management of Kubernetes costs.
SHOW: 636
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- Kubecost (homepage)
- Kubecost raises $25M Round A
- Kubecost on GitHub (open source)
- OpenCost project (CNCF sandbox)
Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Let’s talk about your background, as well as the team at Kubecost.
Topic 2 - Let’s start by talking about why Kubernetes has a cost problem. Is this mostly driven by the underlying technology, or how companies use Kubernetes?
Topic 3 - Walk us through the Kubecost open source project. How does it work, and how does it fit into the broader Kubernetes ecosystem?
Topic 4 - What are the typical stages that a company goes through (using Kubernetes) where they realize that costs are a problem? Is it an “oh sh*t” moment with a EKS/GKE bill, or are they starting to build it into their normal Kubernetes cluster bills?
Topic 5 - What are some of the common mistakes that companies make when using Kubernetes that drive up costs? Is Kubecost mostly focused on identifying them, or trying to improve them?
Topic 6 - With the economy starting to slow down post-COVID-pandemic, are you starting to see a new level of cost-consciousness starting to kick in for Kubernetes users?
- Email: show at the cloudcast dot net
- Twitter: @thecloudcastnet